her dies, the prcess herits, and owords the knight bees kg and here es at once thebestowal of rewards upon his sire and all who have aided hi risg to exalted a rank he arries his sire to a dasel ofthe prcess&039;s, who will be, no doubt, the one who was nfidante their aour, and is daughter of a very great duke&ot;
&ot;that&039;s what i want, and no istake about it!&ot; said sancho&ot;that&039;s what i&039; waitg for; for all this, word for word, is storefor your worship under the title of the knight of the ruefuntenance&ot;
&ot;thou needst not doubt it, sancho,&ot; replied don ixote, &ot;for thesa anner, and by the sa steps as i have described here,knights-errant rise and have risen to be kgs and eperors; all wewant now is to fd out what kg, christian or pagan, is at war andhas a beautiful daughter; but there will be ti enough to thk ofthat, for, as i have told thee, fa t be won other artersbefore repairg to the urt there is another thg, too, that iswantg; for supposg we fd a kg who is at war and has abeautiful daughter, and that i have won credible fa throughout theuniverse, i know not how it can be ade out that i a of royallea, or even send to an eperor; for the kg will not bewillg to give his daughter arria unless he is firstthoroughly satisfied on this pot, however uch y fao deeds aydeserve it; that by this deficiency i fear i shall lose what y arhas fairly earned true it is i a a ntlean of known hoe, ofestate and property, and entitled to the five