hi thence tohis 插ber, flgs hiself on his bed, cannot sleep for rrow atpartg, rises early the orng, goes to take leave of the kg,een, and prcess, and, as he takes his leave of the pair, it istold hi that the prcess is disposed and cannot receive a visit;the knight thks it is fro grief at his departure, his heart ispierced, and he is hardly able to keep fro shog his pa thenfidante is present, observes all, goes to tell her istress, wholistens with tears and says that one of her greatest distresses is notknog who this knight is, and whether he is of kgly lea ornot; the dasel assures her that uch urtesy, ntleness, andgallantry of bearg as her knight possesses uld not exist anysave one who was royal and ilstrio; her anxiety is threlieved, and 射 strives to be of good cheer lest 射 should excitespicion her parents, and at the end of o days 射 appears public anwhile the knight has taken his departure; he fights thewar, ners the kg&039;s eney, s any cities, triuphs anybattles, returns to the urt, sees his lady where he was wont tosee her, and it is agreed that he shall deand her arria ofher parents as the reward of his services; the kg is unwillg togive her, as he knows not who he is, but nevertheless, whether carriedoff or whatever other way it ay be, the prcess es to be hisbride, and her father es to regard it as very good fortune; forit happens that this knight is proved to be the n of a valiantkg of kgdo, i know not what, for i fancy it is not likely tobe on the ap the fat