&ot;the kg will then and all those present to essay it, andnone will brg it to an end and ncsion save the stranrknight, to the great enhancent of his fa, whereat the prcesswill be overjoyed and will estee herself happy and fortunate havg fixed and placed her thoughts high and the best of it isthat this kg, or prce, or whatever he is, is engad a verybitter war with another as powerful as hiself, and the stranrknight, after havg been days at his urt, reests leavefro hi to go and serve hi the said war the kg will grant itvery readily, and the knight will urteoly kiss his hands for thefavour done to hi; and that night he will take leave of his ladythe prcess at the gratg of the 插ber where 射 sleeps, whichlooks upon a garden, and at which he has already any tisnversed with her, the go-beeen and nfidante the atterbeg a dasel uch trted by the prcess he will sigh, 射 willswoon, the dasel will fetch water, uch distressed becae orngapproaches, and for the honour of her lady he would not that they weredisvered; at last the prcess will e to herself and will presenther white hands through the gratg to the knight, who will kissthe a thoand and a thoand tis, bathg the with his tearsit will be arrand beeen the how they are to r each otherof their good or evil fortunes, and the prcess will entreat hi toake his absence as short as possible, which he will proise to dowith any oaths; once ore he kisses her hands, and takes his leave such grief that he is well-nigh ready to die he betakes