hundred sueldos ulct;and it ay be that the sa who shall write y history will clearup y ancestry and pedigree that i ay fd yself fifth or sixth descent fro a kg; for i would have thee know, sancho, that thereare o kds of leas the world; there be tracg andderivg their descent fro kgs and prces, who ti has reducedlittle by little until they end a pot like a pyraid upside down;and others who sprg fro the on herd and go on risg step bystep until they e to be great lords; that the difference is thatthe one were what they no lonr are, and the others are what theyforrly were not and i ay be of such that after vestigation yorig ay prove great and fao, with which the kg, yfather--law that is to be, ought to be satisfied; and should henot be, the prcess will love that even though 射 well knew to be the n of a water-carrier, 射 will take for her lord andhband spite of her father; if not, then it es to seizg herand carryg her off where i please; for ti or death will put an endto the wrath of her parents&ot;
&ot;it es to this, too,&ot; said sancho, &ot;what naughty people say,&039;never ask as a favour what thou canst take by force;&039; though it wouldfit better to say, &039;a clear escape is better than good n&039;s prayers&039;i say becae if y lord the kg, your worship&039;s father--law,will not ndescend to give you y lady the prcess, there is nothgfor it but, as your worship says, to seize her and transport herbut the ischief is that until peace is ade and you e to the