ischief revengg thee than the greeks did for the rape of helen, who, if射 were alive now, or if y dulcea had lived then, ight dependupon it 射 would not be fao for her beauty as 射 is;&ot; and herehe heaved a sigh and sent it aloft; and said sancho, &ot;let it passfor a jest as it cannot be revend earnest, but i know what rtof jest and earnest it was, and i know it will never be rubbed outof y ory any ore than off y shoulders but puttg that aside,will your worship tell what are we to do with this dapple-greysteed that looks like a grey ass, which that arto that your worshipoverthrew has left deserted here? for, fro the way he took to hi射els and bolted, he is not likely ever to e back for it; and by ybeard but the grey is a good one&ot;
&ot;i have never been the habit,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;of takg spoilof those who i vanish, nor is it the practice of chivalry to takeaway their horses and leave the to go on foot, unless deed it bethat the victor have lost his own the bat, which case it islawful to take that of the vani射d as a thg won lawful war;therefore, sancho, leave this horse, or ass, or whatever thou wilthave it to be; for when its owner sees gone hence he will e backfor it&ot;
&ot;god knows i should like to take it,&ot; returned sancho, &ot;or atleast to 插n it for y own, which does not see to as good aone: verily the laws of chivalry are strict, sce they cannot bestretched to let one ass be 插nd for another; i should like to knowif i ight at least 插n