ven e upto it; and the anti i will wear it as well as i can, forthg is better than nothg; all the ore as it will be iteenough to protect fro any 插nce blow of a stone&ot;
&ot;that is,&ot; said sancho, &ot;if it is not shot with a slg as they were the battle of the o aries, when they signed the cross on yourworship&039;s grders and sa射d the flask with that blessed draughtthat ade voit y bowels up&ot;
&ot;it does not grieve uch to have lost it,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;forthou knowest, sancho, that i have the receipt y ory&ot;
&ot; have i,&ot; answered sancho, &ot;but if ever i ake it, or try itaga as long as i live, ay this be y last hour; oreover, i have notention of puttg yself the way of wantg it, for i an, withall y five senses, to keep yself fro beg wounded or fro woundganyone: as to beg blanketed aga i say nothg, for it is hard revent ishaps of that rt, and if they e there is nothg for itbut to seeze our shoulders tother, hold our breath, shut our eyes,and let ourselves go where ck and the blanket ay send &ot;
&ot;thou art a bad christian, sancho,&ot; said don ixote on heargthis, &ot;for once an jury has been done thee thou never fettest it:but know that it is the part of noble and nero hearts not toattach iportance to trifles what la leg hast thou got by it,what broken rib, what cracked head, that thou canst not fet thatjest? for jest and sport it was, properly regarded, and had i not seenit that light i would have returned and done ore