第9頁 (第3/7頁)
d to his ory for all that, however, he detered to takehi, tendg to furnish hi with a ore honourable ount when a插nce of it presented itself, by appropriatg the horse of the firstdisurteo knight he enuntered hiself he provided with shirtsand such other thgs as he uld, aordg to the advice the hosthad given hi; all which beg done, without takg leave, sanchopanza of his wife and children, or don ixote of his hoekeeperand niece, they sallied forth unseen by anybody fro the villa onenight, and ade such good way the urse of it that by daylightthey held theselves safe fro disvery, even should search be adefor the
sancho rode on his ass like a patriarch, with his alforjas and bota,and longg to see hiself on governor of the island his asterhad proised hi don ixote decided upon takg the sa route androad he had taken on his first journey, that over the capo deontiel, which he travelled with less disfort than on the lastoasion, for, as it was early orng and the rays of the sun fell onthe obliely, the heat did not distress the
and now said sancho panza to his aster, &ot;your worship will takecare, senor knight-errant, not to fet about the island you haveproised , for be it ever big i&039;ll be eal to governg it&ot;
to which don ixote replied, &ot;thou t know, friend sanchopanza, that it was a practice very uch vogue with theknights-errant of old to ake their sires governors of the islandr kgdos they won, and i a detered that there shall be nofaire on y part liberal