第9頁 (第2/7頁)
at hi was to be aopli射d the revival of knight-errantry thecurate tis ntradicted hi, tis agreed with hi, for ifhe had not observed this precaution he would have been unable to brghi to rean
anwhile don ixote worked upon a far labourer, a neighbour ofhis, an honest an (if deed that title can be given to hi who ispoor), but with very little wit his pate a word, he talkedhi over, and with such persuasions and proises, that the poorclown ade up his d to sally forth with hi and serve hi asesire don ixote, aong other thgs, told hi he ought to beready to go with hi gladly, becae any ont an adventure ightour that ight an island the klg of an eye and leavehi governor of it on these and the like proises sancho panza (for the labourer was called) left wife and children, and engadhiself as esire to his neighbour don ixote next set aboutttg oney; and sellg one thg and pawng another, andakg a bad barga every case, he got tother a fair su heprovided hiself with a buckler, which he begd as a loan fro afriend, and, rest his battered helt as best he uld, he warnedhis sire sancho of the day and hour he ant to set out, that height provide hiself with what he thought ost needful above all, he插rd hi to take alforjas with hi the other said he would, andthat he ant to take al a very good ass he had, as he was notuch given to gog on foot about the ass, don ixote hesitated alittle, tryg whether he uld call to d any knight-erranttakg with hi an esire ounted on ass-back, but no stanceourre