第41頁 (第3/8頁)
save ti gog and returng: for if i go onfoot i don&039;t know when i shall t there or when i shall t back,as i a, truth, a bad walker&ot;
&ot;i declare, sancho,&ot; returned don ixote, &ot;it shall be as thouwilt, for thy plan does not see to a bad one, and three days hencethou wilt depart, for i wish thee to observe the anti what i doand say for her sake, that thou ayest be able to tell it&ot;
&ot;but what ore have i to see besides what i have seen?&ot; said sancho
&ot;uch thou knowest about it!&ot; said don ixote &ot;i have now got totear up y garnts, to scatter about y arour, knock y head agastthese rocks, and ore of the sa rt of thg, which thou itness&ot;
&ot;for the love of god,&ot; said sancho, &ot;be careful, your worship, howyou give yourself those knocks on the head, for you ay e acrosssuch a rock, and such a way, that the very first ay put an endto the whole ntrivance of this penance; and i should thk, ifdeed knocks on the head see necessary to you, and this besscannot be done without the, you ight be ntent -as the wholethg is feigned, and unterfeit, and joke- you ight bentent, i say, with givg the to yourself the water, oragast thg ft, like tton; and leave it all to ; fori&039;ll tell y lady that your worship knocked your head agast apot of rock harder than a diaond&ot;
&ot;i thank thee for thy good tentions, friend sancho,&ot; answereddon ixote, &ot;but i would have thee know that all these thgs i adog are not joke, but v