第41頁 (第2/8頁)
thk thee of the place and ndition to which absence fro thee hasbrought , and ake that return kdness that is due to yfidelity! oh, lonely trees, that fro this day forward shall bear pany y litude, give sign by the ntle ovent ofyour boughs that y presence is not distasteful to you! oh, thou, ysire, pleasant panion y prospero and adverse fortunes,fix well thy ory what thou shalt see do here, that thouayest relate and report it to the le cae of all,&ot; and sayghe diunted fro rocante, and an stant relieved hi of saddleand bridle, and givg hi a slap on the croup, said, &ot;he gives theefreedo who is bereft of it hiself, oh steed as excellent deedas thou art unfortunate thy lot; begone where thou wilt, for thoubearest written on thy forehead that neither astolfo&039;s hippogriff, northe fad fronto that st bradaante dear, uld eal thee speed&ot;
seeg this sancho said, &ot;good ck to hi who has saved thetrouble of strippg the pack-saddle off dapple! by y faith hewould not have gone without a slap on the croup and thg said his praise; though if he were here i would not let anyone striphi, for there would be no oasion, as he had nothg of the lover orvicti of despair about hi, asuch as his aster, which i was whileit was god&039;s pleasure, was nothg of the rt; and deed, sir knightof the rueful untenance, if y departure and your worship&039;sadness are to e off earnest, it will be as well to saddlerocante aga order that he ay supply the want of dapple,becae it will