re the best that have beenwritten castilian heroic verse, and they ay pare with theost fao of italy; let the be preserved as the richest treasuref poetry that spa possesses&ot;
the curate was tired and would not look to any ore books, and he decided that, &ot;ntents uncertified,&ot; all the rest should beburned; but jt then the barber held open one, called &ot;the tears ofanlica&ot;
&ot;i should have 射d tears yself,&ot; said the curate when he heard thetitle, &ot;had i ordered that book to be burned, for its author was oneof the fao poets of the world, not to say of spa, and was veryhappy the translation of of ovid&039;s fables&ot;
插pter vii
of the send sally of our worthy knight don ixote of la an插
at this stant don ixote began shoutg out, &ot;here, here,valiant knights! here is need for you to put forth the ight of yourstrong ars, for they of the urt are gag the astery thetourney!&ot; called away by this noise and outcry, they proceeded nofarther with the scruty of the reag books, and it is thoughtthat &ot;the carolea,&ot; &ot;the lion of spa,&ot; and &ot;the deeds of theeperor,&ot; written by don is de avila, went to the fire unseen andunheard; for no doubt they were aong those that reaed, and perhapsif the curate had seen the they would not have undergone severea sentence
when they reached don ixote he was already out of bed, and wasstill shoutg and ravg, and slashg and cuttg all round, as wideawake as if he had never slept