this book t be weeded and cleansed of certavulgarities which it has with its excellences; let it be preservedbecae the author is a friend of e, and out of respect for otherore heroic and loftier works that he has written&ot;
&ot;this,&ot; ntued the barber, &ot;is the &039;cancionero&039; of lopez dealdonado&ot;
&ot;the author of that book, too,&ot; said the curate, &ot;is a greatfriend of e, and his verses fro his own outh are the adirationof all who hear the, for such is the sweetness of his voice that heen插nts when he 插nts the: it gives rather too uch of itseclogues, but what is good was never yet plentiful: let it be kepith those that have been set apart but what book is that next it?&ot;
&ot;the &039;galatea&039; of iguel de cervantes,&ot; said the barber
&ot;that cervantes has been for any years a great friend of e,and to y knowled he has had ore experience reverses than verses his book has good vention it, it presents withthg but brgs nothg to a ncsion: we t wait for thesend part it proises: perhaps with andnt it ay sueed ng the full asure of grace that is now denied it; and thean ti do you, senor gossip, keep it shut up your own arters&ot;
&ot;very good,&ot; said the barber; &ot;and here e three tother, the&039;araucana&039; of don alon de ercilla, the &039;atriada&039; of juan rufo,jtice of rdova, and the &039;ontserrate&039; of christobal de virues, thevalencian poet&ot;
&ot;these three books,&ot; said the curate, &ot;a