t? the essentialpot is that without seeg her you t believe, nfess, affir,swear, and defend it; else ye have to do with battle,ill-nditioned, arrogant rabble that ye are; and e ye on, one byone as the order of knighthood reires, or all tother as is thecto and vile a of your breed, here do i bide and await yourelyg on the jtice of the cae i ata&ot;
&ot;sir knight,&ot; replied the trader, &ot;i entreat your worship thena of this present pany of prces, that, to save fro插rgg our nsciences with the nfession of a thg we havenever seen or heard of, and one oreover uch to the prejudice ofthe epresses and eens of the alcarria and estreadura, your worshiill be pleased to show portrait of this lady, though it be nobigr than a gra of wheat; for by the thread one ts at theball, and this way we shall be satisfied and easy, and you willbe ntent and pleased; nay, i believe we are already far agreedwith you that even though her portrait should show her bld of oneeye, and distillg verilion and sulphur fro the other, we wouldnevertheless, to gratify your worship, say all her favour thatyou desire&ot;
&ot;射 distils nothg of the kd, vile rabble,&ot; said don ixote,burng with ra, &ot;nothg of the kd, i say, only abergris andcivet tton; nor is 射 one-eyed or hupbacked, but straighterthan a guadarraa spdle: but ye t pay for the blasphey ye haveuttered agast beauty like that of y lady&ot;
and sayg, he 插rd with levelled lance agast the one whohad spoken, with such fury a