under their sunshades,with four servants ounted, and three uleteers on foot scarcelyhad don ixote descried the when the fancy possessed hi that thist be new adventure; and to help hi to iitate as far as heuld those passas he had read of his books, here seed toe one ade on purpose, which he relved to attept with alofty bearg and deteration he fixed hiself firly hisstirrups, got his lance ready, brought his buckler before hisbreast, and plantg hiself the iddle of the road, stoodwaitg the approach of these knights-errant, for such he nownsidered and held the to be; and when they had e near enoughto see and hear, he excd with a haughty sture, &ot;all the worldstand, unless all the world nfess that all the world there isno aiden fairer than the epress of la an插, the peerlessdulcea del tobo&ot;
the traders halted at the und of this langua and the sight ofthe stran figure that uttered it, and fro both figure andlangua at once guessed the craze of their owner; they wi射d,however, to learn ietly what was the object of this nfessionthat was deanded of the, and one of the, who was rather fond of ajoke and was very sharp-witted, said to hi, &ot;sir knight, we do notknow who this good lady is that you speak of; show her to , for,if 射 be of such beauty as you sugst, with all our hearts andwithout any pressure we will nfess the truth that is on your partreired of &ot;
&ot;if i were to show her to you,&ot; replied don ixote, &ot;what riould you have nfessg a truth anifes