when sancho heard his aster&039;s fir, rete langua, a cloud caover the sky with hi and the gs of his heart drooped, for he hadade sure that his aster would not go without hi for all thewealth of the world; and as he stood there dubfoundered and oody,san carras ca with the hoekeeper and niece, who wereanxio to hear by what argunts he was about to dissuade theiraster fro gog to seek adventures the arch wag san caforward, and ebracg hi as he had done before, said with a loudvoice, &ot;o flower of knight-errantry! o shg light of ars! o honourand irror of the spanish nation! ay god alighty his fitepower grant that any pern or perns, who would ipede or hder thythird sally, ay fd no way out of the labyrth of their sches,nor ever aoplish what they ost desire!&ot; and then, turng to thehoekeeper, he said, &ot;istress hoekeeper ay jt as well give oversayg the prayer of santa apollonia, for i know it is the positivedeteration of the spheres that senor don ixote shall proceed ut to execution his new and lofty designs; and i should lay a heavyburden on y nscience did i not ur and persuade this knight not tokeep the ight of his strong ar and the virtue of his valiantspirit any lonr curbed and checked, for by his activity he isdefraudg the world of the redress of wrongs, of the protection oforphans, of the honour of virgs, of the aid of widows, and of thesupport of wives, and other atters of this kd appertag,belongg, proper and peculiar to the order of knight-errantry on,then, y lord