it is by rugd paths like these they go
that scale the heights of iortality,
unreached by those that falter here below&ot;
&ot;woe is !&ot; excd the niece, &ot;y lord is a poet, too! heknows everythg, and he can do everythg; i will bet, if he chose toturn an, he uld ake a hoe as easily as a ca&ot;
&ot;i can tell you, niece,&ot; replied don ixote, &ot;if these chivalrothoughts did not enga all y faculties, there would be nothgthat i uld not do, nor any rt of knickknack that would not efro y hands, particularly cas and tooth-picks&ot;
at this ont there ca a knockg at the door, and when theyasked who was there, sancho panza ade answer that it was he thestant the hoekeeper knew who it was, 射 ran to hide herself asnot to see hi; such abhorrence did 射 hold hi the niece let hi, and his aster don ixote ca forward to receive hi with openars, and the pair shut theselves up his roo, where they hadanother nversation not ferior to the previo one插pter vii
of what passed beeen don ixote and his sire, tother withother very notable cidents
the stant the hoekeeper saw sancho panza shut hiself withher aster, 射 guessed what they were about; and spectg thatthe result of the nsultation would be a relve to undertake a thirdsally, 射 seized her antle, and deep anxiety and distress, ran tofd the bachelor san carras, as 射 thought that, beg awell-spoken an, and a new friend of her aster&039;s, he ight be able ersuade hi to give up any such crazy n