插pter vi
of what took place beeen don ixote and his niece andhoekeeper; one of the ost iportant 插pters the whole history
while sancho panza and his wife, teresa cascajo, held the aboveirrelevant nversation, don ixote&039;s niece and hoekeeper werenot idle, for by a thoand signs they began to perceive that theiruncle and aster ant to give the the slip the third ti, andonce ore betake hiself to his, for the, ill-errant chivalry theystrove by all the ans their power to divert hi fro such anuncky sche; but it was all preachg the desert and hargld iron nevertheless, aong any other representations ade to hi,the hoekeeper said to hi, &ot; truth, aster, if you do not keepstill and stay iet at ho, and give over roag ountas andvalleys like a troubled spirit, lookg for what they say are calledadventures, but what i call isfortunes, i shall have to akepnt to god and the kg with loud supplication to send redy&ot;
to which don ixote replied, &ot;what answer god will give to yourpnts, hoekeeper, i know not, nor what his ajesty willanswer either; i only know that if i were kg i should decle toanswer the nuberless silly petitions they present every day; forone of the greatest aong the any troubles kgs have is begoblid to listen to all and answer all, and therefore i should berry that any affairs of e should worry hi&ot;
whereupon the hoekeeper said, &ot;tell , senor, at his ajesty&039;surt are there no knights?&ot;
&ot;there are,&ot; replied don ixote