&ot;by y faith,&ot; replied sancho, &ot;if god brgs to t any rtof a governnt, i tend, wife, to ake such a high atch forari-san插 that there will be no approachg her without callgher &039;y lady&ot;
&ot;nay, sancho,&ot; returned teresa; &ot;arry her to her eal, that is thesafest plan; for if you put her out of wooden clogs to high-heeledshoes, out of her grey flannel pettiat to hoops and silk gowns,out of the pn &039;arica&039; and &039;thou,&039; to &039;dona -and-&039; and &039;ylady,&039; the girl won&039;t know where 射 is, and at every turn 射 willfall to a thoand bnders that will show the thread of herarse hospun stuff&ot;
&ot;tut, you fool,&ot; said sancho; &ot;it will be only to practise it foro or three years; and then dignity and deru will fit her aseasily as a glove; and if not, what atter? let her he &039;y lady,&039;and never d what happens&ot;
&ot;keep to your own station, sancho,&ot; replied teresa; &ot;don&039;t try toraise yourself higher, and bear d the proverb that says, &039;wipethe nose of your neigbbour&039;s n, and take hi to your hoe&039; afe thg it would be, deed, to arry our aria to great untor grand ntlean, who, when the huour took hi, would abe her andcall her clown-bred and clodhopper&039;s daughter and spng wench ihave not been brgg up y daughter for that all this ti, i cantell you, hband do you brg ho oney, sancho, and leave arrygher to y care; there is lope tocho, juan tocho&039;s n, a stout, sturdyyoung fellow that we k