
sancho had hardly uttered these words when the neighg of rocantefell upon their ears, which neighg don ixote aepted as a happyon, and he relved to ake another sally three or four days frothat ti announcg his tention to the bachelor, he asked hisadvice as to the arter which he ought to nce his expedition,and the bachelor replied that his opion he ought to go to thekgdo of aragon, and the city of saragossa, where there were to becerta len jotgs at the festival of st e, at which height renown above all the knights of aragon, which would beng it above all the knights of the world he nded his verypraiseworthy and gallant retion, but adoni射d hi to proceedwith greater caution enunterg danrs, becae his life did notbelong to hi, but to all those who had need of hi to protect and aidthe their isfortunes

&ot;there&039;s where it is, what i aboate, senor san,&ot; said sanchohere; &ot;y aster will attack a hundred ard n as a greedy boy wouldhalf a dozen lons body of the world, senor bachelor! there is ati to attack and a ti to retreat, and it is not to be always&039;santiago, and close spa!&039; oreover, i have heard it said (and ithk by y aster hiself, if i reber rightly) that the an ofvalour lies beeen the extres of wardice and rashness; and ifthat be , i don&039;t want hi to fly without havg good rean, orto attack when the odds ake it better not but, above all thgs, iwarn y aster that if he is to take with hi it t be on thendition that he is to do all the fightg, and

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