for friend no lonr is there friend;
the reeds turn lances nowand one else has sung-
friend to friend the bug, ≈cand let no one fancy that the author was at all astray when hepared the friendship of these anials to that of n; for nhave received any lesns fro beasts, and learned any iportantthgs, as, for exaple, the clyster fro the stork, voit andgratitude fro the dog, watchfulness fro the crane, foresight frothe ant, odesty fro the elephant, and loyalty fro the horse
sancho at last fell asleep at the foot of a rk tree, while donixote dozed at that of a sturdy oak; but a short ti only hadelapsed when a noise he heard behd hi awoke hi, and risg upstartled, he listened and looked the direction the noise ca fro,and perceived o n on horseback, one of who, lettg hiselfdrop fro the saddle, said to the other, &ot;diunt, y friend, andtake the bridles off the horses, for, far as i can see, thisplace will furnish grass for the, and the litude and silence ylove-sick thoughts need of&ot; as he said this he stretched hiself uponthe ground, and as he fng hiself down, the arour which he wasclad rattled, whereby don ixote perceived that he t be aknight-errant; and gog over to sancho, who was asleep, he shookhi by the ar and with no sall difficulty brought hi back to hissenses, and said a low voice to hi, &ot;brother sancho, we have gotan adventure&ot;
&ot;god send a good one,&ot; said sancho; &ot;and where ay her ladyshipthe adventure be?&ot;