&ot;what devil?&ot; asked don ixote
&ot;the one with the bladders,&ot; said sancho
&ot;then i will rever hi,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;even if he be shutup with hi the deepest and darkest dunons of hell follow ,sancho, for the cart goes slowly, and with the ules of it i will akegood the loss of dapple&ot;
&ot;you need not take the trouble, senor,&ot; said sancho; &ot;keep ol, foras i now see, the devil has let dapple go and he is g back to hild arters;&ot; and it turned out, for, havg e down withdapple, iitation of don ixote and rocante, the devil adeoff on foot to the town, and the ass ca back to his aster
&ot;for all that,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;it will be well to visit thedisurtesy of that devil upon of those the cart, even if iere the eperor hiself&ot;
&ot;don&039;t thk of it, your worship,&ot; returned sancho; &ot;take yadvice and never ddle with actors, for they are a favoured class;i yself have known an actor taken up for o urders, and yet eoff st-free; reber that, as they are rry folk who givepleasure, everyone favours and protects the, and helps and akes uchof the, above all when they are those of the royal panies andunder patent, all or ost of who dress and appearance look likeprces&ot;
&ot;still, for all that,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;the player devil tnot go off boastg, even if the whole huan race favours hi&ot;
sayg, he ade for the cart, which was now very near the town,shoutg out as he went, &ot;stay! halt