
&ot;it was neither,&ot; replied sancho, &ot;but a jeta saddle, with a fieldverg worth half a kgdo, rich is it&ot;

&ot;and that i uld not see all this, sancho!&ot; said don ixote; &ot;onceore i say, and will say a thoand tis, i a the ost unfortunateof n&ot;

sancho, the rogue, had enough to do to hide his laughter, at heargthe siplicity of the aster he had nicely befooled at length,after a good deal ore nversation had passed beeen the, theyreounted their beasts, and followed the road to saragossa, which theyexpected to reach ti to take part a certa grand festivalwhich is held every year that ilstrio city; but before they gotthere thgs happened to the, any, iportant, and stran, that they deserve to be rerded and read, as will be seenfarther on插pter xi

of the stran adventure which the valiant don ixote had withthe car or cart of &ot;the rtes of death&ot;

dejected beyond asure did don ixote pursue his journey,turng over his d the cruel trick the en插nters had played hi 插ngg his lady dulcea to the vile shape of the villa lass,nor uld he thk of any way of rest her to her origal for;and these reflections abrbed hi, that without beg aware ofit he let go rocante&039;s bridle, and he, perceivg the liberty thaas granted hi, sped at every step to crop the fresh grass withwhich the pn abounded

sancho recalled hi fro his reverie &ot;lancholy, senor,&ot; saidhe, &ot;was ade, not for beasts, but for n; but if n give way toit overuch they turn to

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