
&ot;what uld i t by deceivg your worship,&ot; returned sancho,&ot;especially when it will on be shown whether i tell the truthor not? e, senor, ph on, and you will see the prcess ouristress g, robed and adorned- fact, like what 射 is herdasels and 射 are all one glow of gold, all bunches of pearls, alldiaonds, all rubies, all cloth of brocade of ore than ten borders;with their hair loose on their shoulders like any sunbeas playgwith the d; and oreover, they e ounted on three piebaldcackneys, the fest sight ever you saw&ot;

&ot;hackneys, you an, sancho,&ot; said don ixote

&ot;there is not uch difference beeen cackneys and hackneys,&ot; saidsancho; &ot;but no atter what they e on, there they are, the festladies one uld wish for, especially y lady the prcess dulcea,who stagrs one&039;s senses&ot;

&ot;let go, sancho, y n,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;and guerdon ofthis news, as unexpected as it is good, i bestow upon thee the bestspoil i shall the first adventure i ay have; or if that doesnot satisfy thee, i proise thee the foals i shall have this year froy three ares that thou knowest are foal on our villa on&ot;

&ot;i&039;ll take the foals,&ot; said sancho; &ot;for it is not ite certathat the spoils of the first adventure will be good ones&ot;

by this ti they had cleared the wood, and saw the three villalasses close at hand don ixote looked all along the road to eltobo, and as he uld see nobody except the three peasant girls,he was pletel

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