&ot;well, to tell the truth, senor,&ot; said sancho, &ot;when i saw thatsun of the lady dulcea del tobo, it was not bright enough to throwout beas at all; it t have been, that as her grace was siftgthat wheat i told you of, the thick dt 射 raised ca before herface like a cloud and did it&ot;
&ot;what! dost thou still persist, sancho,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;sayg, thkg, believg, and atag that y lady dulcea wassiftg wheat, that beg an oupation and task entirely atvariance with what is and should be the eploynt of perns ofdistction, who are nstituted and reserved for other avocations andpursuits that show their rank a bowshot off? thou hast fotten, osancho, those les of our poet where he pats for how, theircrystal abodes, those four nyphs eployed theselves who rose frotheir loved tag and seated theselves a verdant adow toebroider those tissues which the nio poet there describes to, how they were worked and woven with gold and silk and pearls;and thg of this rt t have been the eploynt of y ladywhen thou sawest her, only that the spite which wickeden插nter sees to have agast everythg of e 插ns all thosethgs that give pleasure, and turns the to shapes unliketheir own; and i fear that that history of y achievents whichthey say is now prt, if haply its author was sa who isan eney of e, he will have put one thg for another, glg athoand lies with one truth, and ag hiself by relatgtransactions which have nothg to do with the seence of a truehistory o envy, root of all u