sancho, desertg dapple, hung on to the duchess and entered thecastle, but feelg s of nscience at havg left theass alone, he approached a respectable duenna who had e out withthe rest to receive the duchess, and a low voice he said to her,&ot;senora gonzalez, or however your grace ay be called-&ot;
&ot;i a called dona rodriguez de grijalba,&ot; replied the duenna;&ot;what is your will, brother?&ot; to which sancho ade answer, &ot;i shouldbe glad if your worship would do the favour to go out to the castlegate, where you will fd a grey ass of e; ake the, if youplease, put hi the stable, or put hi there yourself, for the poorlittle beast is rather easily frightened, and cannot bear begalone at all&ot;
&ot;if the aster is as wise as the an,&ot; said the duenna, &ot;we have gota fe barga be off with you, brother, and bad ck to you andhi who brought you here; go, look after your ass, for we, the duennaf this hoe, are not ed to work of that rt&ot;
&ot;well then, troth,&ot; returned sancho, &ot;i have heard y aster, whois the very treasure-fder of stories, tellg the story oflancelot when he ca fro brita, say that ladies waited upon hiand duennas upon his hack; and, if it es to y ass, i wouldn&039;t插n hi for senor lancelot&039;s hack&ot;
&ot;if you are a jester, brother,&ot; said the duenna, &ot;keep yourdrolleries for place where they&039;ll pass ter and be paid for;for you&039;ll t nothg fro but a fig&ot;
&ot;at any rate, it will be a ver