&ot;you&039;ve got a likely one here to thrt any !&ot; said sancho; &ot;leave alone for that! why, this is not the first ti y life i havecarried ssas to high and exalted ladies&ot;
&ot;except that thou didst carry to the lady dulcea,&ot; said donixote, &ot;i know not that thou hast carried any other, at least y service&ot;
&ot;that is true,&ot; replied sancho; &ot;but pleds don&039;t distress a goodpayer, and a hoe where there&039;s plenty supper is on oked; ian there&039;s no need of tellg or warng about anythg; fori&039; ready for everythg and know a little of everythg&ot;
&ot;that i believe, sancho,&ot; said don ixote; &ot;go and good ck tothee, and god speed thee&ot;
sancho went off at speed, forcg dapple out of his regularpace, and ca to where the fair huntress was standg, anddiuntg knelt before her and said, &ot;fair lady, that knight thatyou see there, the knight of the lions by na, is y aster, and i aa sire of his, and at ho they call sancho panza this saknight of the lions, who was called not long sce the knight of therueful untenance, sends by to say ay it please your highnessto give hi leave that, with your perission, approbation, andnsent, he ay e and carry out his wi射s, which are, as he saysand i believe, to serve your exalted loftess and beauty; and ifyou give it, your ladyship will do a thg which will redound toyour honour, and he will receive a ost distgui射d favour andhappess&ot;
&ot;you have deed, sire,&ot; said th