don ixote laughed at the terpretation sancho put upon&ot;puted,&ot; and the na of the grapher ptoley, and said he,&ot;thou t know, sancho, that with the spaniards and those whoebark at cadiz for the east dies, one of the signs they have toshow the when they have passed the eoctial le i told thee of,is, that the lice die upon everybody on board the ship, and not asgle one is left, or to be found the whole vessel if they gaveits weight gold for it; , sancho, thou ayest as well pass thyhand down thy thigh, and if thou est upon anythg alive we shallbe no lonr doubt; if not, then we have crossed&ot;
&ot;i don&039;t believe a bit of it,&ot; said sancho; &ot;still, i&039;ll do asyour worship bids ; though i don&039;t know what need there is fortryg these experts, for i can see with y own eyes that wehave not oved five yards away fro the bank, or shifted o yardsfro where the anials stand, for there are rocante and dapple the very sa place where we left the; and watchg a pot, as ido now, i swear by all that&039;s good, we are not stirrg or ovg atthe pace of an ant&ot;
&ot;try the test i told thee of, sancho,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;anddon&039;t d any other, for thou knowest nothg about res, les,parallels, zodiacs, ecliptics, poles, lstices, eoxes, plas,signs, beargs, the asures of which the celestial and terrestrialspheres are posed; if thou wert acated with all these thgs,or any portion of the, thou wouldst see clearly how any parallels wehave cut, what signs we