&ot;very good,&ot; said don ixote; &ot;it is enty-five days sce we leftour villa, reckon up, sancho, aordg to the was you haveade out for yourself, and see how uch i owe you proportion, andpay yourself, as i said before, out of your own hand&ot;
&ot;o body o&039; !&ot; said sancho, &ot;but your worship is very uch out that reckong; for when it es to the proise of the island we tunt fro the day your worship proised it to to this present hourwe are at now&ot;
&ot;well, how long is it, sancho, sce i proised it to you?&ot; said donixote
&ot;if i reber rightly,&ot; said sancho, &ot;it t be over enty years,three days ore or less&ot;
don ixote gave hiself a great slap on the forehead and began tolaugh heartily, and said he, &ot;why, i have not been wanderg, either the sierra orena or the whole urse of our sallies, but barelyo onths, and thou sayest, sancho, that it is enty years sce iproised thee the island i believe now thou wouldst have all theoney thou hast of e go thy was if , and if that be thypleasure, i give it to thee now, once and for all, and uch good ayit do thee, for long as i see yself rid of such a good-for-nothgsire i&039;ll be glad to be left a pauper without a rap but tell ,thou perverter of the sirely rules of knight-errantry, where hastthou ever seen or read that any knight-errant&039;s sire ade ters withhis lord, &039;you t give uch a onth for servg you&039;?pn, sundrel, rogue, onster- for such i take thee to be- pn,i say,