&ot;the devil take ,&ot; said sancho to hiself at this, &ot;but thisaster of e is a tologian; or, if not, faith, he&039;s as like one ane egg is like another&ot;
don ixote sped to take breath, and, observg that silencewas still preserved, had a d to ntue his disurse, and wouldhave done had not sancho terposed with his sartness; for he,seeg his aster pae, took the lead, sayg, &ot;y lord don ixoteof la an插, who once was called the knight of the ruefuntenance, but now is called the knight of the lions, is a ntleanof great discretion who knows lat and his other tongue like abachelor, and everythg that he deals with or advises proceedslike a good ldier, and has all the laws and ordances of whatthey call bat at his frs&039; ends; you have nothg to do butto let yourselves be guided by what he says, and on y head be it ifit is wrong besides which, you have been told that it is folly totake offence at rely hearg a bray i reber when i was a boy ibrayed as often as i had a fancy, without anyone hderg , and elegantly and naturally that when i brayed all the asses thetown would bray; but i was none the less for that the n of yparents who were greatly respected; and though i was envied becae ofthe gift by ore than one of the high and ighty ones of the town, idid not care o farthgs for it; and that you ay see i a tellgthe truth, wait a bit and listen, for this art, like swig, oncelearnt is never fotten;&ot; and then, takg hold of his nose, hebegan to bray vigoroly that all t