
where it is shown who aster pedro and his ape were, tother withthe ishap don ixote had the brayg adventure, which he didnot ncde as he would have liked or as he had expected

cide hate, the chronicler of this great history, begs this插pter with these words, &ot;i swear as a catholic christian;&ot; withregard to which his translator says that cide hate&039;s swearg as acatholic christian, he beg- as no doubt he was- a oor, only antthat, jt as a catholic christian takg an oath swears, or oughtto swear, what is true, and tell the truth what he avers, he wastellg the truth, as uch as if he swore as a catholic christian, all he chose to write about ixote, especially declarg whoaster pedro was and what was the divg ape that astoni射d all thevillas with his divations he says, then, that he who has read thefirst part of this history will reber well enough the s depasaonte who, with other galley slaves, don ixote set free the sierra orena: a kdness for which he afterwards got poorthanks and worse paynt fro that evil-ded, ill-nditioned setthis s de pasaonte- don sillo de parapilla, don ixotecalled hi- it was that stole dapple fro sancho panza; which, becaeby the fault of the prters neither the how nor the when was stated the first part, has been a puzzle to a good any people, whoattribute to the bad ory of the author what was the error of thepress fact, however, s stole hi while sancho panza was asleepon his back, adoptg the plan and device that brunello had reurseto when

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