&ot;true enough,&ot; said don ixote; and the boy went on: &ot;see what anuro and glitterg crowd of horsen issues fro the city pursuit of the o faithful lovers, what a blog of trupets thereis, what undg of horns, what beatg of dr and tabors; i fear they will overtake the and brg the back tied to the tail oftheir own horse, which would be a dreadful sight&ot;
don ixote, however, seeg such a swar of oors and heargsuch a d, thought it would be right to aid the fugitives, andstandg up he excd a loud voice, &ot;never, while i live, will iperit foul play to be practised y presence on such a faoknight and fearless lover as don gaiferos halt! ill-born rabble,follow hi not nor pursue hi, or ye will have to reckon with battle!&ot; and suitg the action to the word, he drew his sword, andwith one bound placed hiself close to the show, and with unexapledrapidity and fury began to shower down blows on the puppet troop ofoors, knockg over , decapitatg others, aig this one anddeolishg that; and aong any ore he delivered one down strokewhich, if aster pedro had not ducked, ade hiself sall, and got outof the way, would have sliced off his head as easily as if it had beenade of alond-paste aster pedro kept shoutg, &ot;hold hard! senordon ixote! can&039;t you see they&039;re not real oors you&039;re knockg downand killg and destroyg, but only little pasteboard figures!look- sner that i a!- how you&039;re wreckg and rug all thati&039; worth!&ot; but spite of this, don ixote did not