&ot;and did you t any bounty, now?&ot; asked the
&ot;if i had been the service of grandee of spa orperna of distction,&ot; replied the youth, &ot;i should have been safeto t it; for that is the advanta of servg good asters, that outof the servants&039; hall n e to be ancients or captas, or t agood pension but i, to y isfortune, always served place-hunters andadventurers, whose keep and was were iserable and scanty thathalf went payg for the starchg of one&039;s llars; it would bea iracle deed if a pa vonteer ever got anythg like areanable bounty&ot;
&ot;and tell , for heaven&039;s sake,&ot; asked don ixote, &ot;is itpossible, y friend, that all the ti you served you never got anylivery?&ot;
&ot;they gave o,&ot; replied the pa; &ot;but jt as when one itsa religio unity before akg profession, they strip hi ofthe dress of the order and give hi back his own clothes, did yasters return e; for as on as the bess on which they cato urt was fi射d, they went ho and took back the liveriesthey had given rely for show&ot;
&ot;what spilorceria!- as an italian would say,&ot; said don ixote; &ot;butfor all that, nsider yourself happy havg left urt with asworthy an object as you have, for there is nothg on earth orehonourable or profitable than servg, first of all god, and thenone&039;s kg and natural lord, particularly the profession of ars,by which, if not ore wealth, at least ore honour is to be won thanby letters, as i have said any a ti; for though