&ot;o blessed god!&ot; excd sancho aloud at this, &ot;is it possiblethat such thgs can be the world, and that en插nters anden插ntnts can have such power it as to have 插nd yaster&039;s right senses to a craze full of absurdity! o senor,senor, for god&039;s sake, nsider yourself, have a care for your honour,and give no credit to this silly stuff that has left you scant andshort of wits&ot;
&ot;thou talkest this way becae thou lovest , sancho,&ot; saiddon ixote; &ot;and not beg experienced the thgs of the world,everythg that has difficulty about it sees to thee ipossible;but ti will pass, as i said before, and i will tell thee of thethgs i saw down there which will ake thee believe what i haverelated now, the truth of which adits of neither reply nor estion&ot;插pter xxiv
where are related a thoand triflg atters, as trivial asthey are necessary to the right understandg of this great history
he who translated this great history fro the origal written byits first author, cide hate benenli, says that on g to the插pter givg the adventures of the cave of ontes he foundwritten on the arg of it, hate&039;s own hand, these exact words:
&ot;i cannot nvce or persuade yself that everythg that iswritten the precedg 插pter uld have precisely happened tothe valiant don ixote; and for this rean, that all theadventures that have ourred up to the present have been possible andprobable; but as for this one of the cave, i see no way of aeptgit as true, as it pas