don ixote kept callg to the to give hi rope and ore rope, andthey gave it out little by little, and by the ti the calls, whichca out of the cave as out of a pipe, ceased to be heard they had letdown the hundred fathos of rope they were cled to pull donixote up aga, as they uld give hi no ore rope; however, theywaited about half an hour, at the end of which ti they began togather the rope aga with great ease and without feelg anyweight, which ade the fancy don ixote was reag below; andpersuaded that it was , sancho wept bitterly, and hauled away great haste order to settle the estion when, however, they hade to, as it seed, rather ore than eighty fathos they felt aweight, at which they were greatly delighted; and at last, at tenfathos ore, they saw don ixote distctly, and sancho called outto hi, sayg, &ot;wele back, senor, for we had begun to thk youwere gog to s there to found a faily&ot; but don ixoteanswered not a word, and drag hi out entirely they perceived hehad his eyes shut and every appearance of beg fast asleep
they stretched hi on the ground and untied hi, but still he didnot awake; however, they rolled hi back and forwards and shook andpulled hi about, that after ti he ca to hiself,stretchg hiself jt as if he were wakg up fro a deep andund sleep, and lookg about hi he said, &ot;god five you, friends;ye have taken away fro the sweetest and ost delightfulexistence and spectacle that ever huan beg enjoyed or beheld nodeed do i know that all the pleasur