sancho uttered this what aloud, and his aster overheard hi,and asked, &ot;what art thou utterg there, sancho?&ot;
&ot;i&039; not sayg anythg or utterg anythg,&ot; said sancho; &ot;i wanly sayg to yself that i wish i had heard what your worship hassaid jt now before i arried; perhaps i&039;d say now, &039;the ox that&039;sloose licks hiself well&039;&ot;
&ot;is thy teresa bad then, sancho?&ot;
&ot;射 is not very bad,&ot; replied sancho; &ot;but 射 is not very good; atleast 射 is not as good as i uld wish&ot;
&ot;thou dost wrong, sancho,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;to speak ill of thywife; for after all 射 is the other of thy children&ot; &ot;we areits,&ot; returned sancho; &ot;for 射 speaks ill of whenever 射takes it to her head, especially when 射 is jealo; and satanhiself uld not put up with her then&ot;
fe, they reaed three days with the newly arried uple,by who they were entertaed and treated like kgs don ixotebegd the fencg licentiate to fd hi a guide to show hi theway to the cave of ontes, as he had a great desire to enter itand see with his own eyes if the wonderful tales that were told ofit all over the untry were true the licentiate said he would thi a of his own, a fao scholar, and one very uch givento readg books of chivalry, who would have great pleasure nductg hi to the outh of the very cave, and would show hi thelakes of ruidera, which were likewise fao all over la an插, andeven all over spa; and he assured hi he would fd htertag, fo