
while utterg these words he showed such weakness that thebystanders expected each return of fatness would take his lifewith it then iteria, overe with odesty and sha, holdg her right hand the hand of basilio, said, &ot;no force would bend ywill; as freely, therefore, as it is possible for to do , igive thee the hand of a lawful wife, and take the if thou givestit to of the own free will, untroubled and unaffected by thecaty thy hasty act has brought upon thee&ot;

&ot;yes, i give it,&ot; said basilio, &ot;not agitated or distracted, buith unclouded rean that heaven is pleased to grant , th do igive yself to be thy hband&ot;

&ot;and i give yself to be thy wife,&ot; said iteria, &ot;whether thoulivest any years, or they carry thee fro y ars to the grave&ot;

&ot;for one badly wounded,&ot; observed sancho at this pot, &ot;thisyoung an has a great deal to say; they should ake hi leave offbillg and og, and attend to his ul; for to y thkg hehas it ore on his tongue than at his teeth&ot;

basilio and iteria havg th joed hands, the priest, deeplyoved and with tears his eyes, pronounced the blessg upon the,and iplored heaven to grant an easy passa to the ul of thenewly wedded an, who, the stant he received the blessg, startednibly to his feet and with unparalleled effrontery pulled out therapier that had been 射athed his body all the bystanders wereastounded, and , ore siple than irg, began shoutg, &ot;airacle, a iracle!&ot; but basilio replied, &ot;no

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