
&ot;god grant i ay see thee dub before i die, sancho,&ot; said donixote

&ot;at the rate we are gog,&ot; said sancho, &ot;i&039;ll be cheg claybefore your worship dies; and then, aybe, i&039;ll be dub that i&039;llnot say a word until the end of the world, or, at least, till theday of judgnt&ot;

&ot;even should that happen, o sancho,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;thysilence will never e up to all thou hast talked, art talkg, andwilt talk all thy life; oreover, it naturally stands to rean,that y death will e before the; i never expect to see theedub, not even when thou art drkg or sleepg, and that is theutost i can say&ot;

&ot; good faith, senor,&ot; replied sancho, &ot;there&039;s no trtg thatfleshless one, i an death, who devours the lab as on as the射ep, and, as i have heard our curate say, treads with eal footupon the lofty towers of kgs and the lowly huts of the poor thatlady is ore ighty than daty, 射 is no way seaish, 射devours all and is ready for all, and fills her alforjas with peopleof all rts, as, and ranks 射 is no reaper that sleeps out thenoontide; at all tis 射 is reapg and cuttg down, as well thedry grass as the green; 射 never sees to chew, but bolts andswallows all that is put before her, for 射 has a cane appetitethat is never satisfied; and though 射 has no belly, 射 shows 射has a dropsy and is athirst to drk the lives of all that live, ane would drk a jug of ld water&ot;

&ot;say no ore, sancho,&ot; said don ixote at this; &ot;don&039;t tr

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