sancho observed all, nteplated all, and everythg won his heartthe first to captivate and take his fancy were the pots, out ofwhich he would have very gladly helped hiself to a oderatepipkful; then the e sks secured his affections; and lastly, theproduce of the fryg-pans, if, deed, such iposg cauldrons ay becalled fryg-pans; and unable to ntrol hiself or bear it anylonr, he approached one of the by oks and civilly but hungrilybegd perission to ak a scrap of bread one of the pots; towhich the ok ade answer, &ot;brother, this is not a day on whichhunr is to have any sway, thanks to the rich caacho; t down andlook about for a ladle and ski off a hen or o, and uch good aythey do you&ot;
&ot;i don&039;t see one,&ot; said sancho
&ot;wait a bit,&ot; said the ok; &ot;sner that i a! how particular andbashful you are!&ot; and sayg, he seized a bucket and pngg itto one of the half jars took up three hens and a uple of ese,and said to sancho, &ot;fall to, friend, and take the ed off yourappetite with these skigs until dner-ti es&ot;
&ot;i have nothg to put the ,&ot; said sancho
&ot;well then,&ot; said the ok, &ot;take spoon and all; for caacho&039;swealth and happess furnish everythg&ot;
while sancho fared th, don ixote was watchg the entrance, atone end of the arcade, of elve peasants, all holiday andgala dress, ounted on elve beautiful ares with rich hand fieldtrappgs and a nuber of little bells attached to their petrals, who,arshalled regular