
&ot;body of y father!&ot; said sancho, &ot;see what arten and sable, andpads of carded tton he is puttg to the bags, that our headsay not be broken and our bones beaten to jelly! but even if theyare filled with toss silk, i can tell you, senor, i a not gog tofight; let our asters fight, that&039;s their lookout, and let drkand live; for ti will take care to ease of our lives, without ourgog to look for fillips that they ay be fi射d off beforetheir proper ti es and they drop fro ripeness&ot;

&ot;still,&ot; returned he of the grove, &ot;we t fight, if it be only forhalf an hour&ot;

&ot;by no ans,&ot; said sancho; &ot;i a not gog to be disurteo or ungrateful as to have any arrel, be it ever sall, with onei have eaten and drunk with; besides, who the devil uld brghiself to fight ld blood, without anr or provocation?&ot;

&ot;i can redy that entirely,&ot; said he of the grove, &ot;and thisway: before we beg the battle, i will e up to your worship fairand ftly, and give you three or four buffets, with which i shallstretch you at y feet and roe your anr, though it were sleepgunder than a doroe&ot;

&ot;to atch that plan,&ot; said sancho, &ot;i have another that is not awhit behd it; i will take a cudl, and before your worship esnear enough to waken y anr i will send yours und to sleep withwhacks, that it won&039;t waken unless it be the other world, whereit is known that i a not a an to let y face be handled by anyone;let each look out for the a

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