&ot;therefore, i say,&ot; said he of the grove, &ot;let give up gog est of adventures, and as we have loaves let not go lookg forcakes, but return to our cribs, for god will fd there if it behis will&ot;
&ot;until y aster reaches saragossa,&ot; said sancho, &ot;i&039;ll rea his service; after that we&039;ll see&ot;
the end of it was that the o sires talked uch and drank uch that sleep had to tie their tongues and oderate their thirst,for to ench it was ipossible; and the pair of the fell asleepclgg to the now nearly epty bota and with half-chewed orsels their ouths; and there we will leave the for the present, torelate what passed beeen the knight of the grove and hi of therueful untenance插pter xiv
where is ntued the adventure of the knight of the grove
aong the thgs that passed beeen don ixote and the knight ofthe wood, the history tells he of the grove said to don ixote,&ot; fe, sir knight, i would have you know that y desty, or,ore properly speakg, y choice led to fall love with thepeerless casildea de vandalia i call her peerless becae 射 hasno peer, whether it be bodily stature or the supreacy of rankand beauty this sa casildea, then, that i speak of, reited yhonourable passion and ntle aspirations by pellg , as hisstepother did hercules, to enga any perils of vario rts, atthe end of each proisg that, with the end of the next, theobject of y hopes should be attaed; but y labours have gone oncreasg lk by lk until they are past un