
they went to dner, and the repast was such as don diego said onthe road he was the habit of givg to his guests, neat, plentiful,and tasty; but what pleased don ixote ost was the arvellosilence that reigned throughout the hoe, for it was like acarthian onastery

when the cloth had been reoved, grace said and their handswa射d, don ixote earnestly pressed don lorenzo to repeat to hi hisverses for the poetical tournant, to which he replied, &ot;not to belike those poets who, when they are asked to recite their verses,refe, and when they are not asked for the voit the up, i willrepeat y gloss, for which i do not expect any prize, havgposed it rely as an exercise of nuity&ot;

&ot;a discerng friend of e,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;was of opionthat no one ought to waste labour glossg verses; and the reanhe gave was that the gloss can never e up to the text, and thatoften or ost freently it wanders away fro the ang andpurpose aid at the glossed les; and besides, that the laws ofthe gloss were too strict, as they did not allow terrogations, nor&039;said he,&039; nor &039;i say,&039; nor turng verbs to nouns, or altergthe nstruction, not to speak of other restrictions and liitationsthat fetter gloss-writers, as you no doubt know&ot;

&ot;verily, senor don ixote,&ot; said don lorenzo, &ot;i wish i uld catchyour worship trippg at a stretch, but i cannot, for you slip throughy frs like an eel&ot;

&ot;i don&039;t understand what you say, or an by slippg,&ot; sa

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