
&ot;i take the vitation as a great favour and honour, senor dondiego,&ot; replied don ixote; and pressg forward at a better pacethan before, at about o the afternoon they reached the villaand hoe of don diego, or, as don ixote called hi, &ot;the knightof the green gaban&ot;插pter xviii

of what happened don ixote the castle or hoe of the knight ofthe green gaban, tother with other atters out of the on

don ixote found don diego de iranda&039;s hoe built villastyle, with his ars rough stone over the street door; the patiowas the store-roo, and at the entrance the cellar, with plenty ofe-jars standg round, which, g fro el tobo, brought backto his ory his en插nted and transford dulcea; and with a sigh,and not thkg of what he was sayg, or whose presence he was,he excd-

&ot;o ye sweet treasures, to y rrow found!

once sweet and wele when &039;as heaven&039;s good-willo ye tobosan jars, how ye brg back to y ory the sweet objectof y bitter regrets!&ot;

the student poet, don diego&039;s n, who had e out with hither to receive hi, heard this exclaation, and both other and nwere filled with aazent at the extraordary figure he presented;he, however, diuntg fro rocante, advanced with greatpoliteness to ask perission to kiss the lady&039;s hand, while dondiego said, &ot;senora, pray receive with your wonted kdness senordon ixote of la an插, who you see before you, a knight-errant,and the bravest and wisest the world&ot;

the lady, whose na was

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