
here the author&039;s outburst ca to an end, and he proceeded totake up the thread of his story, sayg that the keeper, seeg thatdon ixote had taken up his position, and that it was ipossiblefor hi to avoid lettg out the ale without currg the enityof the fiery and darg knight, fng open the doors of the firstca, ntag, as has been said, the lion, which was now seen to beof enoro size, and gri and hideo ien the first thg he didwas to turn round the ca which he lay, and protrude his claws,and stretch hiself thoroughly; he next opened his outh, and yawnedvery leisurely, and with near o pals&039; length of tongue that hehad thrt forth, he licked the dt out of his eyes and wa射d hisface; havg done this, he put his head out of the ca and looked allround with eyes like glog als, a spectacle and deanour tostrike terror to terity itself don ixote rely observed histeadily, longg for hi to leap fro the cart and e to closearters with hi, when he hoped to hew hi pieces

far did his unparalleled adness go; but the noble lion, oreurteo than arrogant, not troublg hiself about silly bravado,after havg looked all round, as has been said, turned about andpresented his hd-arters to don ixote, and very olly andtranilly lay down aga the ca seeg this, don ixoteordered the keeper to take a stick to hi and provoke hi to akehi e out

&ot;that i won&039;t,&ot; said the keeper; &ot;for if i anr hi, the firsthe&039;ll tear pieces will be yself be satisfied, sir knight, withwhat you have

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