
all this was greek or gibberish to the peasants, but not to thestudents, who very on perceived the crack don ixote&039;s pate; forall that, however, they regarded hi with adiration and respect,and one of the said to hi, &ot;if you, sir knight, have no fixedroad, as it is the way with those who seek adventures not to have any,let your worship e with ; you will see one of the fest andrichest weddgs that up to this day have ever been celebrated laan插, or for any a league round&ot;

don ixote asked hi if it was prce&039;s, that he spoke of it this way &ot;not at all,&ot; said the student; &ot;it is the weddg of afarr and a farr&039;s daughter, he the richest all this untry,and 射 the fairest ortal ever set eyes on the display with which itis to be attended will be thg rare and out of the on, for iill be celebrated a adow adjog the town of the bride, who iscalled, par excellence, iteria the fair, as the bridegroo is calledcaacho the rich 射 is eighteen, and he enty-o, and they arefairly atched, though knog ones, who have all the pedigrees the world by heart, will have it that the faily of the fairiteria is better than caacho&039;s; but no one ds that now-a-days,for wealth can lder a great any flaws at any rate, caacho isfree-handed, and it is his fancy to screen the whole adow withboughs and ver it overhead, that the sun will have hard workif he tries to t to reach the grass that vers the il hehas provided dancers too, not only sword but al bell-dancers, for his

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