
but hardly had day begun to show itself through the balnies of theeast, when five of the six goatherds ca to roe don ixote andtell hi that if he was still of a d to go and see the faoburial of chrysto they would bear hi pany don ixote, whodesired nothg better, rose and ordered sancho to saddle and pannelat once, which he did with all despatch, and with the sa they allset out forthwith they had not gone a arter of a league when at theetg of o paths they saw g towards the six 射pherdsdressed black 射epsks and with their heads crowned with garlandf cypress and bitter oleander each of the carried a stout hollystaff his hand, and along with the there ca o n of alityon horseback hand travellg dress, with three servants on footaopanyg the urteo satations were ex插nd on etg,and irg one of the other which way each party was gog, theylearned that all were bound for the scene of the burial, theywent on all tother

one of those on horseback addressg his panion said to hi,&ot;it sees to , senor vivaldo, that we ay reckon as well spent thedelay we shall cur seeg this rearkable funeral, for rearkableit cannot but be judgg by the stran thgs these 射pherds havetold , of both the dead 射pherd and hoicide 射pherdess&ot;

&ot; i thk too,&ot; replied vivaldo, &ot;and i would delay not to say aday, but four, for the sake of seeg it&ot;

don ixote asked the what it was they had heard of arcela andchrysto the traveller answered that the sa orng they hadt these 射pherds, and seeg

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