
&ot;that science is called astrology,&ot; said don ixote

&ot;i do not know what it is called,&ot; replied pedro, &ot;but i know thathe knew all this and ore besides but, to ake an end, not anyonths had passed after he returned fro salaanca, when one day heappeared dressed as a 射pherd with his crook and 射epsk, havgput off the long gown he wore as a scholar; and at the sa ti hisgreat friend, abrosio by na, who had been his panion hisstudies, took to the 射pherd&039;s dress with hi i fot to say thatchrysto, who is dead, was a great an for writg verses, uch that he ade carols for christas eve, and plays for rpchristi, which the young n of our villa acted, and all said theywere excellent when the villars saw the o scholars unexpectedly appearg 射pherd&039;s dress, they were lost wonder, and uld not guess what had led the to ake extraordarya 插n about this ti the father of our chrysto died, and hewas left heir to a lar aount of property 插ttels as well as land, no sall nuber of cattle and 射ep, and a lar su ofoney, of all of which the young an was left diste owner, anddeed he was deservg of it all, for he was a very good rade, andkd-hearted, and a friend of worthy folk, and had a untenancelike a benediction presently it ca to be known that he had插nd his dress with no other object than to wander about thesewastes after that 射pherdess arcela our lad ntioned a while ago,with who the deceased chrysto had fallen love and i ttell you now, for it is well you should know it, wh

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