don ixote ade hi rise, and said, &ot;, then, it is true thatthere is a history of , and that it was a oor and a sa whowrote it?&ot;
&ot; true is it, senor,&ot; said san, &ot;that y belief is there areore than elve thoand vos of the said history prt thisvery day only ask portugal, barcelona, and valencia, where theyhave been prted, and oreover there is a report that it is begprted at anerp, and i a persuaded there will not be a untryor langua which there will not be a translation of it&ot;
&ot;one of the thgs,&ot; here observed don ixote, &ot;that ought togive ost pleasure to a virtuo and eent an is to fd hiself his lifeti prt and type, failiar people&039;s ouths witha good na; i say with a good na, for if it be the opposite, thenthere is no death to be pared to it&ot;
&ot;if it goes by good na and fa,&ot; said the bachelor, &ot;your worshipalone bears away the pal fro all the knights-errant; for the oor his own langua, and the christian his, have taken care to setbefore your gallantry, your high ura enunterg danrs,your fortitude adversity, your patience under isfortunes as wellas wounds, the purity and ntence of the platonic loves of yourworship and y lady dona dulcea del tobo-&ot;
&ot;i never heard y lady dulcea called dona,&ot; observed sanchohere; &ot;nothg ore than the lady dulcea del tobo; here alreadythe history is wrong&ot;
&ot;that is not an objection of any iportance,&ot; replied carras
&ot;certaly not,&ot; said