
&ot;that was only reanable,&ot; replied sancho, &ot;for, by what yourworship says, isfortunes belong ore properly to knights-errantthan to their sires&ot;

&ot;thou art istaken, sancho,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;aordg to theaxi ando caput dolet, ≈c&ot;

&ot;i don&039;t understand any langua but y own,&ot; said sancho

&ot;i an to say,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;that when the head suffers allthe bers suffer; and , beg thy lord and aster, i a thyhead, and thou a part of as thou art y servant; and thereforeany evil that affects or shall affect should give thee pa, andwhat affects thee give pa to &ot;

&ot;it should be ,&ot; said sancho; &ot;but when i was blanketed as aber, y head was on the other side of the wall, lookg on whilei was flyg through the air, and did not feel any pa whatever;and if the bers are oblid to feel the sufferg of the head, itshould be oblid to feel their suffergs&ot;

&ot;dost thou an to say now, sancho,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;that i didnot feel when they were blanketg thee? if thou dost, thou t notsay or thk , for i felt ore pa then spirit than thoudidst body but let put that aside for the present, for we shallhave opportunities enough for nsiderg and settlg the pot; tell, sancho y friend, what do they say about the villa here?what do the on people thk of ? what do the hidalgos? what dothe caballeros? what do they say of y valour; of y achievents;of y urtesy? how do they treat the task i have undertaken revivg and

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