
at last, while they were all, with the exception of the o bruiserswho were aulg each other, high glee and enjoynt, they hearda trupet und a note doleful that it ade the all look thedirection whence the und seed to e but the one that was ostexcited by hearg it was don ixote, who though rely agast hiswill he was under the goatherd, and thg ore than pretty wellpulled, said to hi, &ot;brother devil (for it is ipossible butthat thou t be one sce thou hast had ight and strength enough toovere e), i ask thee to agree to a truce for but one hour forthe len note of yonder trupet that falls on our ears sees to to suon to new adventure&ot; the goatherd, who was by thisti tired of pullg and beg pulled, released hi at once,and don ixote risg to his feet and turng his eyes to the arterwhere the und had been heard, suddenly saw g down the slopeof a hill several n clad white like penitents

the fact was that the clouds had that year withheld their oisturefro the earth, and all the villas of the district they wereanisg processions, rogations, and penances, ipl god to openthe hands of his rcy and send the ra; and to this end the peopleof a villa that was hard by were gog procession to a holyherita there was on one side of that valley don ixote when hesaw the stran garb of the penitents, without reflectg how often hehad seen it before, took it to his head that this was a case ofadventure, and that it fell to hi alone as a knight-errant toenga it; and he was all the ore nfird

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