
this ldier, then, that i have described, this vicente de laroca, this bravo, gallant, ician, poet, was often seen andwatched by leandra fro a dow of her hoe which looked out onthe plaza the glitter of his showy attire took her fancy, his balladsbewitched her (for he gave away enty pies of every one he ade),the tales of his exploits which he told about hiself ca to herears; and short, as the devil no doubt had arrand it, 射 fell love with hi before the presuption of akg love to her hadsugsted itself to hi; and as love-affairs none are ore easilybrought to an issue than those which have the clation of thelady for an ally, leandra and vicente ca to an understandg withoutany difficulty; and before any of her nuro suitors had anyspicion of her design, 射 had already carried it to effect,havg left the hoe of her dearly beloved father (for other 射 hadnone), and disappeared fro the villa with the ldier, who caore triuphantly out of this enterprise than out of any of thelar nuber he d c to all the villa and all who heard of iere aazed at the affair; i was aghast, anselo thunderstruck, herfather full of grief, her relations dignant, the authorities all a fernt, the officers of the brotherhood ars they suredthe roads, they searched the woods and all arters, and at the end ofthree days they found the flighty leandra a ounta cave, striptto her shift, and robbed of all the oney and precio jewels 射had carried away fro ho with her they brought her back to herunhappy father, and estione

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